Become a Bus Driver

To become fully licensed, new bus drivers are required to attend an 8-hour training course.

  • Pre-register for this course with the Regional Office of Education ($10.00 fee required).
  • You must be currently employed by a bus company or school district.

Licensed Bus Drivers

For those already licensed, we thank you for your service to our students and community by driving our greatest community resource, our students, to and from school each day. To continue your service as a licensed school bus driver, you will need to participate in a state approved refresher course.

Do you need a First Division School Bus Permit?

This course is for drivers of first division vehicles (defined in the Illinois Vehicle Code as motor vehicles designed to carry no more than 10 persons total). This new training will not include the multi-function school activity bus (MFSAB/white activity bus). If a driver takes this course, it will restrict the driver to a first division vehicle only. For example, if a driver wants to upgrade their driver’s license in the future to a CDL, he/she will be required to take an initial course and upgrade their driver’s license to be eligible to transport students in a school bus. This training would be ideal for anyone you have transporting students in a minivan for curriculum purposes. 

Upcoming Bus Driver Courses

Pursuant to Section  3-14.23 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/3-14.23] the Regional Office of Education is responsible for conducting the INITIAL PERMIT TRAINING that is required for all new school bus drivers prior to getting a bus permit, and the ANNUAL REFRESHER COURSE is required in the 12 month (364 days) period prior to renewing their school bus permit.

Register for a Bus Driver Class

To register for one of our initial or refresher bus courses, please complete the spreadsheet below and email to [email protected]If you have questions about becoming a bus driver or maintaining your license, please contact our office by calling 618-438-9711.

As of April 1, 2020, the cost of the training class is $10.00.

NOTE: All registrations for bus courses must be paid in full before the date of the class. If not paid, you will not be admitted into the course.

What to Bring to Class

When attending these trainings, please remember the following:

  1. Bring a pen or pencil
  2. Have your driver's license with you
  3. If attending 8 hour Saturday classes, please bring a lunch
  4. Please be on time

Illinois Association of Pupil Transportation (IAPT)

The IAPT has been in existence since 1973 and is composed of a group of school district transportation owners. The IAPT works closely with the Illinois State Board of Education and the Secretary of State's Office on matters that relate to school transportation issues.